So it’s Monday. The normal deal is that I share with you a story of what a giant moron I am so that you can gauge your Monday by that and consider it a success. I like to think life is graded on a curve. I am willing to take a hit for the team, […]
Doctors and Lawyers and Schmucks oh my!

My Dad had this joke waiting for me when I got back from the Doctor. Since the Doctor told me to hire a lawyer I thought it was the PERFECT post for Friday. A lawyer I would buy a drink for. I hope you guys enjoy, Thanks Daddy. ******************* Part of rebuilding New Orleans caused […]
What’s up Doc?

I was at the doctors the other day. ( as usual). I saw this hanging on his wall and quickly realized that he had one of the words spelled wrong. So I took a picture and collected the spelling. You are welcome. xo PEACH OUT Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook […]