What’s up lovely people? It’s here, Monday. No denying it. It’s basically laughing in our face letting us know it’s going to attempt to fall us like a huge oak tree onto a roof of our local happy spot. It’s our job to punch Monday in the throat/crotch and show it who is boss. I can’t help […]
I can’t even begin to tell you people

how bad I want a freaking donut right now. I think that anyone who was genius enough to deliver hot fresh donuts would be a freakin billionaire… and honestly like my bud on facebook just said, you could probably even get classified as an emergency vehicle with lights, sirens and speed through lights if you wanted. […]
Fotobomb Friday part duex !

Ok so it’s here a 3 day weekend, and again here I sit on stinking bed rest, but this time I am actually ON bed rest and listening because I believe it or not you can teach an old dog new tricks. Last week I found out that my youngest kid, ” The Prince” had […]