boy it’s awfully dusty in here.. maybe I should spend more time here.. I kinda miss you sexy beasts.. Now with more interactive features ! It’s kinda up to you though…. Because if you guys aren’t into it, well it’s all about you so there’s really no point right? So what is this, some sort […]
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FaceBook Fun, It's Juicy, Latest, Moronic Mondays, Peachy Advice, The Peachy Tree

Today I blew my cover in my super secret world wide Gang.. Damnit. All because I ran in a store to grab my mom a treat. I’m not Darkwing Duck, I am… e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. Dear punk teenagers with the crotch of your pants lower than your knees, with a cigarette hanging out of […]
I will love you forever.. Happy Birthday Dustin.

Happy Birthday my little Boy.
Today you are 22. I can’t touch you, hug you, or draw you a card. I can’t hear your voice or subject you to listening to my off key loud version of Happy Birthday. I haven’t seen you in just short of a year again. Last time I saw you, you were thinner, smaller, and still very angry with the 21 years of pain where I couldn’t make it better.