Every week on Tuesday I pick 3 questions from my email and give what could only be considered as “non” advice. I have no expertise other than consistently holding the majority of the first page in google rankings for “epic asshattedness”. ( yes I am proud). I am constantly amazed, baffled and dumbfounded that people are sending […]
Moronic Monday- not sure how Marvel Comics left out this episode as me and spiderman had an epic battle in the shower ( vavavavoom!) He won. Tell it Tuesday My non advice column was a bunch of non advice and parenting stuff, which I am still not sure why you guys send me so many […]
The Past week in Peachyland

I hope you are out and about and enjoying the last sprinklings of summer with those you love and squeezing every drop sweet juice from all available memories. But you are here that means your probably sitting int he comfort of your air conditioning and that too is a good thing. So this is where I cover […]