MONDAY AND VALENTINES DAY? DOUBLE WHAMMY ! Today you seriously need back up. It’s one of the most emotional days combined with a Monday. For a very few the Holiday will over ride the sheer shitness that is in fact a Monday for others, the Holiday will slam this Monday into the halls of fantastical give […]
Surely I’m not helping these People- Non Advice-Tell it Tuesday

Please be advised that I have NO expertise ( despite what the massive spam on my site that I block says). Except I remain in the top listing in google for the search term ” epic asshattedness” NOT MAKING THIS UP. Google it. (now I rank for several other horrific things including “robin willimas man […]
Tuesday 4 Trevor

Hi guys I know this is usually the day of the week I toss out non advice but not today. Today as you are making plans for Thanksgiving I need to borrow a second of your time. Whether you are cringing at or bouncing from the thought of seeing all of the Holiday people I […]