Dear lovely Military Base who recently took care of me this past weekend due to a heart event. I am not a soldier or a hero. I am just a wife of a retired military person who worked behind a computer in the Military for 20 years. After being the daughter of a 20 year […]
Fotobomb Friday via the Prince- Sam I am Grads again

It is here, we have won ! We are the champions my friends. Oh my my oh heck yeah got to put on my party dress. It’s Friday night and the feelings right. Woot ! We survived this wretched week of ugly that Monday started slinging our way and now we can look back and […]
Thor bruised my Groin and my heart- Moronic Monday

Well hello there darling friends and a big juicy welcome to any new friends. Yep it’s Monday so you know it’s time to put on your wicked heels ( optional cleats) and rocket crotch kick Monday in the Junk. Every Monday I arm you with fodder against this evil day with the knowledge that I […]