If you are a follower chances are you have been privy to my secret WMD (Wonderful Mulit- forwarding Daddy).. My daddy is 79, he is awesome. Some technology may elude him but there is one thing this man has mastered. He can forward 278.5 emails to all 822 people in his contact list 10+ times a day. His priceless […]
Email Jokes from my Daddy on WTG Wednesday

So as you all know my dad is like 79 and has a computer and laptop which he calls “the big slow box” and “that little confusing all in 1 thing.” He also owns a printer an has single handedly been responsible for the death of all mature trees in the south east so he can […]
Email Joke from my Daddy- WTG Wednesday

As you know Wednesday is my free day. Usually I toss up a funny joke from my dad or something someone has sent emailed me. My Daddy has been a bit under the weather nearly 2 weeks, so I am really happy to have this smile from him to pass on to you. Enjoy. ************************************ […]