The Animated Woman (AKA JC) andWhy Is Daddy Crying Somebody had to mind the fruit-stand on account of The Peachy One being AWOL; and those two somebodies were me and the dude. JC: Dude. You’ll never guess where Peach is. WhyIsDaddyCrying: Ummm…did she pack her suitcase, throw some glitter on her face and take off […]
No wonder I can’t leave the house- Moronic Monday

Hi guys, it’s here, Monday. With a nip in the air and it’s basically laughing in our face letting us know it’s going to attempt to fall us like a huge oak tree onto a roof of our local happy spot. It’s our job to punch monday in the throat/crotch and show it who is […]
Holiday Card Extravaganza

Hello juicy fruits. I have to tell you as this year ends I can’t help but appreciate all the wonderful people I have met or grown closer to. Facebook Friends, Followers, Tweeps and Bloggers I must read or the earth will stop turning. It all started when I made a card for #Eve and then […]