It’s been perfectly clear to the entire planet earth for approximately 21 years that I will NEVER get mother of the year. I love my kids. Each of them. Each of their very different personalities, attitudes, and mindsets. I parent them all hard but with humor. I expect from each of them the best. Not my best. Their best. […]

Wow. I realized quite a few things over the past week. 1- How much I miss living in Florida. Literally I know I still live on the Gulf of Mexico and the reasons we moved back here were sound for the family and the market is bad and we have a huge house and The […]
I’m back

Well hi there Juicy Fruits. I am back from my wild and wacky spring break vacation. Half Kirk / Startreck Vacation and the other half was Spring Break Madness. I am playing 72 levels of madness of catch up but I had to make sure to check in and let you know I wasn’t locked […]