Hi guys, it’s here, Monday. No denying it. It’s basically laughing in our face letting us know it’s going to attempt to fall us like a huge oak tree onto a roof of our local happy spot. It’s our job to punch Monday in the throat/crotch and show it who is boss. I can’t help physically assist […]
Funny Stuff Friday- Totally not Politics

I stay away from Politics because they are boring.. but this week they got pretty funny. Because a high ranking Politician named something funny (Wiener) had something named similarly funny( pictures of his crotch) ” allegedly” tweeted to a 21 year old girl. Now he is saying he was hacked so whatever but the hilariousness is […]
Sticks, pokes and the sweetest thing.

Ok I have like to cram 2 weeks in 1 post. Fasten your seat belts. So I since I did that thing with the ticker where it went blah and I went ick, and they went stick stick slash, then they went all bed bed bed. I went all yeah whatever. Run Run Run. Then […]