Hey there and welcome back to another edition of Moronic Monday. Where I hope that you are so distracted by my epically moronic stories from my past ( or present) and it gives you that little push to go forth and battle the dirty wench that is a Monday. I have a new found faith […]
Funny Stuff Friday-nearly there

Hey people Happy Friday ! Let’s get a little laugh shall we? Some things can not be unseen.. Just sayin… Have a great weekend people. I lurve ya like imported German chocolates filled with real like ( as in I found some of those at the store yesterday and will be going on a chocolate binge.) xo PEACH […]
Funny Stuff Friday

It’s here people the day I used to love more than cheap wine. Now I love my lazy comfy Sundays. But Friday is still in my top 3, and 3 out of 7 ain’t so bad. What do you say? Let’s get a laugh on. mkay? ******************************************** A Cabby’s Halloween Kiss- via my Daddy A cabbie picks […]