Happy almost freaking Friday you sexy people. My Darling Daddy sent me this today so I decided to have a Prep Rally for Friday! WooHoo Go Friday you can do it, put a little power to it. GET HERE GET HERE GET HERE NOW! As always I am sick and tired of these mother fudging […]
Things worth thinking- via my Daddy

My Daddy strikes again with a laundry list of deep and profound things not only worth thinking about but passing on and then actually saying. I share these with you. ********************* It ‘s not whether you win or lose, but how you place the blame. ************** You are not drunk if you can lie on […]
Waldo my hiney

Yesterday it became clear thanks to JC (@littleanimation) (http://www.theanimatedwoman) and Why is Daddy Crying ( @whyisdaddycrying) ( http://www.whyisdaddycrying.com ) ThePeachy1 is all kinds of missing. It started on Friday when non blogger @FlyDDW wrote his first blog post and it was as a guest here, and she’s been all kinds of missing every since? Did he fly her […]