Yep it’s that time of the week where I pull a random post straight off my facebook account and share it with you. Remember if your facebook doesn’t look like my facebook you need way cooler friends. This one didn’t even come from my wall. I “hijacked” this guys wall and his friends and family […]
FaceBook Fun with Friends

You know every Thursday I pull a random wall post from my wall or a friends wall to show you that Facebook should be fun. My facebook friends are lovely, brilliant, funny, and you never know where they will take something. I have friends that I went to middle school, high school, and college with. I […]
FaceBookFriends- Get Wood

My face book friends are an endless supply of laughs. They are smart, quirky, snarky, and some are even a bit smutty. But I love them all dearly. Every week I pull a random wall post so you can get a giggle. Enjoy. So yeah if your facebook doesn’t look like this you might be […]