Hello my dear friends today is the day that a lot of us go forth in epic battle against our common foe. Monday. Monday sucks so bad even the calendar says “WTF” after a Monday. As a BeingPeachy tradition I share a story from my past that points out just how big of an asshat […]
Pancakes and Envy

I woke up this morning and needed to cleanse my soul. See here’s the problem. I am not at blogher. No big deal right. I am not a huge fan of 2500 screaming people unless they are throwing money and cheesecake at me anyway. But at blogher you get swag. From what I hear BOATLOADS […]
Non Advice Tell It Tuesday

Good morning darlings. For those of you that don’t know me, I’m Holly aka Mama H from Are You Serious. Peachy couldn’t be here today, so she asked me to fill in, and in a drunken haze, I agreed. Normally my first reaction to anything is more boxed wine, lots of cussing and Xanax, but […]