Yep it’s that time of the week where I pull a random post straight off my facebook account and share it with you. Remember if your facebook doesn’t look like my facebook you need way cooler friends. Also I have to tell you I am pretty sure this is the longest thread I have ever […]
Peachy to English Dictionary-WTF Wednesday

So I have like 30 posts just begging to be written like the quarterback begging for a happy ending at Prom. But alas, I am already wordy ( as you know), and seriously none of the topics flow. Wednesday is my only ” Free Flowing” blog day, where it doesn’t have a theme or category attached so […]
Tell it Tuesday- The Non Advice Column

*SPECIAL NOTICE* I would really like to thank my internet provider for going down last night while I was attempting to publish this post for today. But they went above and beyond their duty by staying down for 12 hours. Obviously they are super Jedi Ninjas and deserve my money. Sorry for the late posting.. […]