Hey there and welcome back to another edition of Moronic Monday. Where I hope that you are so distracted by my epically moronic stories from my past and it gives you that little push to go forth and battle the dirty wench that is a Monday. A kabillion and 20 years ago I had just moved to […]
Tell it Tuesday- more Non Advice

Please be advised that I have NO expertise ( despite what the massive spam on my site that I block says). Except I remain in the top listing in google for the search term ” epic asshattedness” NOT MAKING THIS UP. Google it. (now I rank for “robin willimas man junk” I am so proud.) Yes […]
Moronic Monday- Lost

Hi, My name is ThePeachy1 and I seriously hate Mondays. ( applause light). Off to the coffee and doughnuts. You guys know I hate Mondays and I try to send you into battle knowing I am behind you with a story of my epic asshattedness to help armor you against this beast of a day. But on […]