As you know, there is a murderer seeking refuge under my roof. The upside, this gives me a crime to solve. The downside, I can’t trust anyone. I turn to you. Your wisdom, insight and crime fighting super powers. Can you solve the Crime of the Century? In case you missed it […]
CSI I’m working here !

Ok it’s Moronic Monday but I am ubber late posting and it’s not all the way done. Why? Oh because there is an ongoing criminal investigation going on in my house. Yep. We have 3 unsubs and we are waiting for some DNA back from the labs, paw prints are being processed and some […]
Moronic Monday- Chalkgate2010

It’s here again. Monday. I think of this weekly adventure as a war. I can do little to help you. But I can give you laughter for armor. So I dig up a story to show you just what a tremendous moron I am in the hopes you may get through your day with a […]