It’s been perfectly clear to the entire planet earth for approximately 21 years that I will NEVER get mother of the year. I love my kids. Each of them. Each of their very different personalities, attitudes, and mindsets. I parent them all hard but with humor. I expect from each of them the best. Not my best. Their best. […]

Wow. I realized quite a few things over the past week. 1- How much I miss living in Florida. Literally I know I still live on the Gulf of Mexico and the reasons we moved back here were sound for the family and the market is bad and we have a huge house and The […]
Remembering The First

I thought it would be fun to go back and look at the very first “Tell it Tuesday- Non Advice Column” Lets’ see how it all started. So here we are with the first edition of Tell It Tuesday. (cue applause light now) In some dumbass brilliant flash of light I decided 2 days ago I […]