Kicking off the battle on the work weeks butt with another Moronic Monday. Where I reach into my past or present to share with you what a huge moron I am in the hopes that you will feel a little better about your day. So back in the day I was dating this guy I […]
Moronic Monday- Fire Crotch

Hello my dear friends today is the day that a lot of us go forth in epic battle against our common foe. Monday. Monday sucks so bad even the calendar says “WTF” after a Monday. As a BeingPeachy tradition I share a story from my past that points out just how big of an asshat […]
Moronic Monday- the Sport Edition

I should probably consider changing the name of this to the Idiot History Channel. Since it seems most of my stories are from my far far away past and I am clearly an idiot in each one. But alas I hope you all know that’s what Moronic Monday is all about. Realizing Monday sucks […]