It’s here again. Monday. I think of this weekly adventure as a war. I can do little to help you. But I can give you laughter for armor. So I dig up a story to show you just what a tremendous moron I am in the hopes you may get through your day with a […]
Moronic Monday-Beep Beep

It’s Monday, we can really do nothing about. This is the third consecutive presidency that keeps over looking my motion to remove Mondays from the calendar or at least have them declared part of the weekend in efforts to make them suck a tad less. No one listens to me. I probably am going to […]
Moronic Monday

Oh it’s here, you can smell it hours away, the dispare with a hint of dread guides us towards it like “turn right in 100 feet” sound our GPS makes. Yes friends ” you have reached your destination”. It’s Monday and there pretty much isn’t anything we can do about it. Other than laugh […]