Hey there and welcome back to another edition of Moronic Monday. Where I hope that you are so distracted by my epically moronic stories from my past ( or present) and it gives you that little push to go forth and battle the dirty wench that is a Monday. I have a new found faith […]
Pants on the Ground

Mornoic Monday- no one glitters and sparkly shines like me when it comes to being a moron. So every Monday I try to bring you a story from my past to show you I am indeed an epic asshatt and that your day if graded on a curve is really not going to be that bad. I […]
Moronic Monday- Auog Style

Hi guys, it’s here, Monday. With a nip in the air and it’s basically laughing in our face letting us know it’s going to attempt to fall us like a huge oak tree onto a roof of our local happy spot. It’s our job to punch monday in the throat/crotch and show it who is […]