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Cure for leg cramps, or how I spent my Friday night
What’s up you sexy people? Just happened to pop in to amend one of my many Life Manuals, ( like how to get in a low speed police chase, or what to do when you deep fry your hand, typical stuff really) if you know me. If you don’t know me, well, how you have […]
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FaceBook Fun, It's Juicy, Latest, Moronic Mondays, Peachy Advice, The Peachy Tree

Today I blew my cover in my super secret world wide Gang.. Damnit. All because I ran in a store to grab my mom a treat. I’m not Darkwing Duck, I am… e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. Dear punk teenagers with the crotch of your pants lower than your knees, with a cigarette hanging out of […]