It’s just hot as is can be out y’all. I mean stupid hot. So please make sure to wear sunscreen, drink plenty of water, and keep as cool as you can. Other than that, have as much ridiculous fun as you can ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND! You guys always send me in the funniest stuff, so […]
Fotobomb Friday part duex !

Ok so it’s here a 3 day weekend, and again here I sit on stinking bed rest, but this time I am actually ON bed rest and listening because I believe it or not you can teach an old dog new tricks. Last week I found out that my youngest kid, ” The Prince” had […]
Fotobomb Friday via the Prince- Sam I am Grads again

It is here, we have won ! We are the champions my friends. Oh my my oh heck yeah got to put on my party dress. It’s Friday night and the feelings right. Woot ! We survived this wretched week of ugly that Monday started slinging our way and now we can look back and […]