Well it’s upon us people. CHRISTMAS ( 7 LITTLE DAYS) I don’t take it as serious as I did when the oldest kids were little. I am not nearly as June Cleaver, anal retentive, YOU BETTER SMILE WHEN YOU TAKE THIS PICTURE OR I WILL KILL YOU, type of Mom I was a couple decades […]
Finally Friday

I am still stuffed like this years bird, “Tommy”.. To all of you out there participating in the mad sales and long lines and MMA Gramma shoppers. I seriously hope you guys remember to pick something up for me, or to someone from me. Either way but the first is a really good thing. About […]
Funny Stuff Friday-nearly there

Hey people Happy Friday ! Let’s get a little laugh shall we? Some things can not be unseen.. Just sayin… Have a great weekend people. I lurve ya like imported German chocolates filled with real like ( as in I found some of those at the store yesterday and will be going on a chocolate binge.) xo PEACH […]