WOOT WOOT IT’S FRIDAY Y’ALL ! When I started blogging I laid some ground rules. I wouldn’t blog on weekends, I wouldn’t push merchandise for free ( even crack whores get paid y’all) and everyone was fair game as blog fodder if they put it on the internet. I like to spend 99.9% of the time […]
Funny Stuff Friday on Being Peachy

It’s Friday YALL !! Break into celebratory song of choice. Insert cheesy Dance Moves here. I had to leave my house a couple times this week. (Which made my lawyers nervous.) In what could only be described as a punch in the uterus, I realized a push up bra and smile wasn’t enough to […]
Funny Stuff Friday- Fasting

I am fasting for blood work so I am phoning this funny stuff friday in via things you guys have sent me in emails. This blog is really 100% you guys. Seriously I love you for it, and I love you for your support. This was my first place of interaction on the internet where […]