Recently I have been quite noticeably absent. It hasn’t been because I am on a tropical island being served frozen drinks by my sexy boytoy Brendan Fraiser. Damn it. Instead after over a year of daily posts on 3 blogs and doing some freelance writing for a few collectives I reached an impasse. This site is created to “Be Peachy”, to remember that […]
Hurricane been there done that. Be prepared

Dear Friends and Followers, I am watching a satellite photo of this monster Irene in the Atlantic, looking carefully at the computer models. Remembering, hurting. This storm is so big, yes it’s also powerful and it’s looking so huge that if you were to take the entire storm and put it in the Gulf it […]
The Mafia, the FEDS and my family

Hi guys, I have just had an epi pen. Wait, that was auto correct. I had an epiphany. Well it’s more of a conspiracy theroy Ok possibly it’s a brain fart but really think this through with me. Remember last week the ” Murder Caper Investigation” going on here, I listed only 3 […]