Ok quick post on Christmas Eve because there is so much I still have to do before I can lay down and dream of sugar plums, but I really need to share this. If you are a friend/follower who has been with me a while then you already know about “my dude”, My second child […]
I’m drunk, Thanks Amazon
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FaceBook Fun, Funny Stuff Friday, It's Juicy, Moronic Mondays, The Peachy Tree

This happened to me today on Amazon when I logged in to pick up a couple things. A few very light weight small items. No hurry, no rush, just “oh yeah I could use that sure”. So being the reasonable calm professional person I am I immediately screen captured it and posted it on […]
Introducing Madame Chicklette

Oh yes a new and fowl adventure has been undertaken by the Peachy Gang. We have entered where no Kirk has entered before. Introducing Madame Chicklette ( pronounced Maaaadaaaaame Shick-a-let) drumstick roll puleeze……. She may not look like much now, but if things work out, and we are hoping […]