OK so we are about ready to leave to go to the Fair. The fair where my 9 Year old Prince entered 15 exhibits. We are going to see if or what he won. So I am holding a contest giving you the chance to win. The person who guesses the right number of […]
Wednesday- The Recipe of Me

The recipe of me- by Sandi Kirk 1 part childhood memories 1 part teenage drama dash of mistakes stir well then place in a GIGANTIC sealed bag in the freezer to chill in an adult sized bowl mix equal parts of tears of pain and tears of joy, hope and heartbreak growth and loss devastation and […]
snake bites, coast guard rescues and bears oh my

Hi guys, well it looks like I am back, sort of kind of, maybe. If you are the one faithful reader I have then you know I have been on what in some cultures would be classified as a vacation. Thursday I drove my Daddy’s land yacht RV to near the LA state line. Friday […]