Hey guys, I am so glad it’s Wednesday. Seriously. So I am part of this project called the Traveling Notebook. It’s an awesome idea and the notebook goes from one place to another with no one really knowing each other but taking a page out to write about themselves or whatever. I knew it […]
WTH Wednesday- Weather

If you follow me on twitter or facebook then you are probably aware of what went down this last Sunday. The Prince ( 9 yrs old) had entered 16 exhibits into the fair we would find out if he won, and collect his stuff on Sunday. I even turned it into a contest for my […]
And the winner is…

Hi Guys ! If you have been reading along on here, facebook or through twitter then you know My 9 yr old Prince entered exhibits into the county fair for the very first time this year. He did a lot. One particular project nearly got me a ticket to the nut hut when I found […]