Hi guys I know this is usually the day of the week I toss out non advice but not today. Today as you are making plans for Thanksgiving I need to borrow a second of your time. Whether you are cringing at or bouncing from the thought of seeing all of the Holiday people I […]
WTG- Jokes from my Daddy

As you know Wednesday is my ” free day ” and I usually throw a funny email or joke from my Dad in here. Why? Because he is hilarious and also because he sends me ( and 10,000 other people ) about 30 jokes a day. Yesterday I saw someone post on FB that their […]
Thank a Veteran everyday..

To the ones in uniform, to the ones who love them. There is no thanks big enough to express my gratitude. The sacrifices, the missed holidays and milestones. The physical, emotional and yes financial sacrifice made by those military families is remarkable. Usually handled with grace and honor. Fighting even for the right of someone they […]