Hello juicy fruits. I have to tell you as this year ends I can’t help but appreciate all the wonderful people I have met or grown closer to. Facebook Friends, Followers, Tweeps and Bloggers I must read or the earth will stop turning. It all started when I made a card for #Eve and then […]
WTG Daddy jokes

If you are a follower chances are you have been privy to my secret WMD ( Wonderful Mulit- forwarding Daddy).. My daddy is 79, he is awesome. Some technology may elude him but there is one thing this man has mastered. He can forward 278.5 emails to all 822 people in his contact list 10+ times a day. […]
It’s WAR !

Here I am 50+ hours into what will surely go down in the journals of history as “The Great Peachy Plague of 2010” (Yes it had to be bold and italicized and in color because it is THAT serious people.) Also it is now the lovely color of the medicine of which I have been taking like […]