Here’s a funny email joke from my Daddy. The following is an actual exchange of correspondence between a customer and the Irish Railway Company. Gentlemen, I have been riding your trains daily for the last two years, and the service on your line seems to be getting worse every day. I am tired of […]
Memorial Day- Remembering

The sun can not set a single day without me remembering in some small way to think of the price that they have paid. Those so young that have left behind their childlike dreams and toys. All the little girls turn to women and men that spring from little boys. The ones left behind are […]
Fotobomb Friday part duex !

Ok so it’s here a 3 day weekend, and again here I sit on stinking bed rest, but this time I am actually ON bed rest and listening because I believe it or not you can teach an old dog new tricks. Last week I found out that my youngest kid, ” The Prince” had […]