I was at the doctors the other day. ( as usual). I saw this hanging on his wall and quickly realized that he had one of the words spelled wrong. So I took a picture and collected the spelling. You are welcome. xo PEACH OUT Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook […]
It’s a 2fer ! Tiki bar tuesday and moronic monday vlog

I’m on a mini vaca with The Prince ( my 10 yr old kid) so I made this combo vlog for you guys. enjoy xo PEACH OUT Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post
Man Rules- from my Daddy

If you are a follower chances are you have been privy to my secret WMD (Wonderful Mulit- forwarding Daddy).. My daddy is 79, he is awesome. Some technology may elude him but there is one thing this man has mastered. He can forward 278.5 emails to all 822 people in his contact list 10+ times […]