Yep it’s that time of the week where I pull a random post straight off my facebook account and share it with you. Remember if your facebook doesn’t look like my facebook you need way cooler friends. Last week the simple status -” I just took a shower” had 94 hilarious comments. My facebook […]
Fun with Facebook – WWII For Todays Youth
Ok so if you are a regular here you know this is the day of the week I snag a random status off my wall showing how genius and cool and twisted my facebook friends are and tell you if you don’t have friends like mine then your doing it wrong. Today is different. Because yesterday I came […]
Funny stuff Friday ! we made it !
Holy Cow you hot steaming pile of awesome. If you’re here that means we made it ! It’s Friday. Time to Celebrate run out and just snag up all that weekend glory, or stay home in your PJ’s refusing to wear shoes or make up. Your call either way, because IT IS FRIDAY ! Theses […]