Blog Birthday Contest

blog birhday contest at being peachy with thepeachy1

This blog turns 1 year old on April 24th.  So  for it’s birthday I am having a contest are here the rules!

blog birhday contest at being peachy with thepeachy1

Enter every day to not win Body parts or Explosives since you can't mail those.

Following all the “PRO” Bloggers out there I have found that all contests have to have super complicated rules so that only the most elite and technologically advanced hybrids can possibly win thus meaning the same 3 people on the internet win every blog contest everywhere this saves UPS and Fed Ex from having to learn any new addresses and well that’s just good for the economy right now.  So I don’t wont to buck the system because really I am just a nobody around here ( even if I am totally sleeping with Brendan Fraser).  So I wrote these instructions in latin, while looking in a mirror and standing on my head.  Now good luck!

Comments are to be left on the Daily posts between April 6, 2011, and April 23, 2011. 1 comment per day with exception to the “extra entries*  as described below.

1)- Starting Today-  April 6, 2011-  1 comment on each daily post per person per day gets you 1 entry into the drawing at 10pm on April 23, 2011.  NO entries after 10pm CST on April 23, 2011 will be counted and *duplicate comments per day will not count as entries( except as listed below).   Each comment must contain an email address so that you can be contacted.  You can also include your blog url, and or your twitter name.

2)- Extra entries options-

a) If you like my blogs facebook page  at  come back and in a separate comment add that fact and the user name on facebook that you “liked” it as.

b) if you follow me on twitter!/IamthePeachy1 come back here and in a seperate comment add that face and the user name on twitter to that you follow me with,  make sure to send me an @ saying “hey I am following you !”

c) if you friend my personal facebook account come back here and leave a comment on the post let me know the user name on the facebook account you used to friend me with.

d) if you follow this blog- either via networked blogs or through the google network.  go to that days post and leave a new comment and make sure to leave the user name you followed me with.

e)  at different times during the day or evening on different days I may send out a tweet with a hashtag that says something  containing a hashtage involving this contest,  if you tweet that hashatag or post a comment on the blog with the hashtag you will receive an additional entry.

f)  at random moments other entries may be earned on facebook if an update comes up saying something such as- ”  if you want an extra entry to the contest here’s your chance”  or something similar.

The point is I will make this as easy as can be to get as many entries as you want, with as little major pimping of me as possible.   You are however welcome to pimp me out like a dollar hooker on half off night.

Now I bet you are thinking wait, what’s the prize???  What do we win????

The post office apparently gets all kinds of pissy if you try to mail body parts, explosives or  unknown liquids.  So those are pretty much out.  I am still nailing it down.

But all the entries will be put in a good old fashioned shoe box,  the Prince will draw out 3 winners.


All 3 people will get a completely customized and totally Peachafied Bloggiversary Gift package from MOI.  I can pretty much gaurantee you have NEVER  seen anything like this anywhere before.  So you want to get in on this.  probably.

if you have questions email me at

Good luck

JUST KIDDING ! Seriously what pompous people come up with that crap?  did they get their training from the IRS or what?  I am NOT going to make you hula hoop in a ring of fire while juggling flaming butane tanks.  Geez.  Plain and simple you get an entry for every daily post between April 6th  and 23rd that you leave a comment on.  Then I will put each comment ( entry) into a shoe box ( hat) and draw 3 winners.  They will each get a prize !  See.  Easy, like me in high School .  Wait.  Like a Birthday cake from Wal Mart.  You can still feel free to pimp me out and run around liking and following me, but that would just make you super awesome cool like a unicorn fart. Totally your call.


Peach Out