Advertising and PR

If you are interested in getting more for your advertising dollar, have a campaign idea, or need space for your virtual bill board.

A peachy place for your virtual billboard.

A peachy place for your virtual billboard.

Premium placement or budget runs,  you can chose a spot and plan that fits your needs.

Ad placement for contest giveaways or product trials are available.

I don’t review products that I can’t not honestly review. For example I have no children in diapers so I can’t give a review of diapers.  If you send your product for a review and it bombs I will let you know first, you may not want me to place the honest review on my site.  You will have the option for a review not to be written but I will not take a pre written or altered review and place it. Only products actually reviewed by my and written by me will appear on this site.   If you want to get in good with my readers, it’s a great idea to send a product for me to review and one for me to give to them, they absolutely love that, and I love making them happy.

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