Introducing Madame Chicklette

grown up silkies this is Madame Chicklettes future.. hopefully

Oh yes a new and fowl adventure has been undertaken by the Peachy Gang.   We have entered where no Kirk has entered before.   Introducing


Madame Chicklette  ( pronounced  Maaaadaaaaame   Shick-a-let) drumstick roll puleeze…….


new family member madame chicklette the silkie

new family member madame chicklette the silkie


She may not look like much now, but if things work out, and we are hoping giving her her own indoor bathroom due to the weather that they will she will grow to look like one of these clearly highly fashionable Silkies.


grown up silkies this is Madame Chicklettes future.. hopefully

Yeah that’s right, a kick ass chicken, not just the run of the mill hen, but a obviously couture freaking rock star of a chicken.  That lives indoors. What can I say?  Sam I am bought it for the Prince on his field trip today and I am a softy when it comes to those two.  So now my upstairs bath has become the domain of Madame Chicklette.   If she can survive, the 5 cats, 2 dogs and doesn’t end up in the Pet Cemetery or the frying pan.


We are told they are prolific layers.  ( insert Ho joke here).  We told the Prince he is responsible for wiping her butt and brushing her teeth since she doesn’t have hands, he has already read 2 books on the proper raising of poultry.  He also informed us her baby teeth haven’t come in yet, but when the “hens teeth” come in he will be ready for duty.  Not sure at what point I will let him in on the joke.


We told him her Mom was Chicken Strips and her Dad was Chicken Nugget  he is not happy with our jokes, but it didn’t keep him from scarfying down 20 chicken nuggets for dinner, the entire time we made chicken noises and he looked sad and satisfied.



So there ya have it, add it to the 5 cats, 2 dogs, 43 previous bunnies, Honey the Hamster, Holy Holly the praying mantis,  Hildi the Hamster,  Mickey the Mouse, the POW mouse,  7 goldfish all named Lucky and the goat named Billy.   All have departed except the cats and dogs which doesn’t actually bode well for Madame Chicklette.   Fingers crossed.




ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.