Monday- oh crap

I am revisiting this because I want to and I woke up early due to the time change and I can’t type with the cinnomin roll hanging out of my mouth so here…. enjoy.


Hey there and welcome back to another edition of Moronic Monday. Where I hope that you are so distracted by my epically moronic stories from my past ( or present) and it gives you that little push to go forth and battle the dirty wench that is a Monday.

I was having an email conversation with a fellow blogger and the end result was my offering up a friendship disclaimer on the spur of the moment.   She liked it and told me that since it wouldn’t fit on a postcard she made a little animation of it and sent it over. I was rolling on the freaking floor  hearing animated voices say the words I had written.  Clearly she is brilliant.

I ran on over to cram my entire “friendship disclaimer” into the program.  I made us superheros.

Grab your popcorn and enjoy.

I am such a horrible friend that I am surprised the Surgeon General has not had his warning tattooed onto my forehead.  At the very least I should come with an “Under the Penalty of Law” mattress tag sewn to the batwings I call arms.

So go out today and show Monday who is boss.  Because as the old song goes, ” you got a friend in me”.



** If you like this go see my re-enactment of watching a couple of friends break up very publicly on facebook by clicking here. **

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ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.