As you know, there is a murderer seeking refuge under my roof. The upside, this gives me a crime to solve. The downside, I can’t trust anyone. I turn to you. Your wisdom, insight and crime fighting super powers. Can you solve the Crime of the Century?
In case you missed it on Monday ( click here) Here are actual crime scene photos ….
Now here are the facts, put on your investigative face and work on this case!
A 4 year old beige throw pillow was resting gently in the chair of the family room. Last seen un-murdered at 1230am by Detective Peach.
At 945am Detective Peach entered the family room to find a murder scene. Immediately photos were taken and the crime scene was secured.
The throw pill remains were checked for spit, saliva, drool and prints. None were found.
Occupants with Access to the Victim were as follows-
Myself ( Detective Peach), The Droid 53 yro adult male, ThePrince 10yro male, and The Stunt Kid 9 yro male, Mei 8 yro female black lab, Loki 4 yro male Dalmation, and Dante 9 yro female feline.
Everyone above had access to the victim and the crime scene and were present in the home during the time frame of the murder.
Fact: no prints, spit, drool, teeth marks, claw marks, were found.
Fact: no one had any of the victims remains on or near them when I approached the scene.
The Droid and I ( Detective Peach) were sleeping, and corroborate each others alibis that we were sleeping because we both inadvertently wake each other up when we leave the room, also, we have no motive to murder the beloved throw pillow.
The Prince and The Stunt kid both claim to be sleeping upstairs in the rec room and claim no knowledge of the incident but did assist with crime scene clean up and began speculation as to suspects. Both have no previous criminal record other than eating the last of the homemade strawberry jam.
Mei- the 8 yro female black lab has hip problems, and a fair temperament, she has a criminal background due of misdemeanors to her excessive addiction of hole digging on our property and has been known to feed that addiction multiple times a day, as if she were Lindsey Lohan without cameras around. Additional misdemeanor charges are frequent and powerful farts.
Loki- neurotic 4 yro male Dalmatian, neurotic athletic past, has slowed down since the fracture of a pelvis 2 years ago via a dog -v- car incident. No loss of mobility, increased neurosis. Extreme attachment with Det. Peach and will growl if anyone hugs or kisses her, leading to misdemeanor charges of stalking and car chasing. He does have 1 felony conviction of actually clawing and eating through the back french doors. ( as visible in the crime scene photos above)
Dante- 9 yo female feline, horrible attitude and retained legal council and sued Det Peachy during a previous investigation of computer hacking. Varied and large misdemeanor background, involving, Christmas present unwrapping, Christmas Tree climbing, multiple attempted thefts of dinner ( usually involving poultry), and charges of laying on my kitchen counters. Felony convictions include: attempted murder of the family hamster, murder of 10 pairs of shoes via cat vandalism ( pissed on my freaking shoes), and over 35 felony counts with convictions of feline urination in improper locations. Strong dislike for authorities.
Mei, Loki and Dante have all plead the 5th. Refusing to speak during repeated interrogations. Non of the AOI ( animals of interest) have shown any remorse and are basically void of all emotions during questioning and when presented with evidence from the scene. At this time we are not releasing an “official suspect” only Animals of interest. Below are former mugshots from previous run ins’ with the law.
Due to previous litigation I am not allowed to really speak freely about Dante. You form your own opinion.
So now you have seen the Animals of Interest, you have their backgrounds, and you have the actual crime scene photos which show all 3 of the AOI.
I anxiously await your therories and questions. Yes my friends not since the Lindbergh baby kidnapping has there been so many great minds working independently to solve the-
Good luck an GodSpeed my fellow Detectives,