Moronic Monday- LANDSHARK

So it’s Monday.  The normal deal is that I  share with you a story of what a giant moron I am so that you can gauge your Monday  by that and consider it a success.  I like to think life is graded on a curve.  I am willing to take a hit for the team, the one to help skew the scores so that you can all be loaded for bear to fight this dirty wench that is Monday.

Let’s just start with I love you, and I must start this post with a huge big fat honking dripping with sincere apology.  I have missed you guys so much it’s hard to type out words to express it.  But I started this blog to prove that no matter what was wrong, or going on, you could see the peachy side of life.  Along the way I made some great friends,  I have had my heart torn when I know you are hurting and I have had to honor to in some small way hopefully help one or 2 people.

Lately I have been under some strange barrage of insane bad luck gris gris.  I try to bring the funny, and a smile and show you what an incredible fruit loop I am.


The truth is, for some reason the past few weeks every turn is a new road block.  Now I am not in anyway opposed to roadblocks or speed bumps.   They are part of life.  But lately it seems I am not even over the first bump when another comes and hits me.

If you have ever swam in the ocean, you probably know this feeling.  Wow this wave is big, I can handle it, come up breath, ” oh look another”.  Then a mouth full of salt water and you are thinking these waves need to slow down because you just need a second to clear your lungs and grab a deep breath, but they keep coming.

I am sure I will make it to shore.  Even if I have to swim parallel to it for a while, like some crazy rip tide has me.  I can do this.  In fact I have been known as the “I can” and ” solver” and “survivor” and “go to girl”  all my life.   I have taken great pride in the fact I am a warrior, and I keep my humor about me.

I have broad shoulders, and can handle nearly anything, I just need to catch a breath between the waves.   I am sure one day I will have great and funny posts about heart attacks,  and MRI’s and seizures, and crazy brain disorders, and battling the IRS and all the crazy waves smashing me right now.  When my house burned to the ground, it was funny that day,  when the hurricanes made us homeless, it wasn’t funny that day,  when my cars break down, it’s usually not funny that moment.   In the end.  There is something to learn from each experience we go through,  right now, I have to catch my breath, and when I have time, I will look back and find a humorous spin on all of it.  That’s what I do, how I get by, the way I  “deal”.

On the upside, I find something very therapeutic about the ocean, the rhythmic crashing of the waves,  the smiling kids making sand castles and burring each other, the families and friends with smiles who carried way too much crap to the beach and are just trying to figure out how to get the sand out of their butt cracks.   So if I have to be somewhere mentally,  the ocean is a pretty great place to be.  ( as long as guys in banana hammocks with body hair sweaters aren’t around, because that makes me all barfy)

Until the next time,  know I love you, know I have faith in you and your abilities, and know that you have a billion opportunities a day to smile, laugh and Be Peachy…   If you’re in the ocean right now too, just know that we only need to swim faster than the fat kid in the event of a shark attack.




ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.