Funny Friday- Surface of the Sun HOT!

Wooo Hooo  You guys we made it !  It’s Friday !  That means we made it to the weekend !   I don’t know about you guys but where I live it’s roughly the tempepature of the surface of the sun.  Literally.  NO seriously.  NOT. EVEN. KIDDING.   By 8am the heat index was 112 with 100%  humidity.    Now as you know I live in the south,  wait,  let me clarify..  I live in the DEEP SOUTH.  Where people do things like FRY TWINKIES,   and bake oreos inside chocolate chip cookies.     We have 27 miles of white sandy beaches and Casinos and hurricanes and oil spills. ( oh crap the tourism commission hates when I bring  last those  2 up).    But we live in in on a nice wooded chunk of land with a lot of nature in what might be described a tad, country.

OK  it’s redneck. Even though me and the hubs are scoffed at by the actual rednecks out here.   When I was younger in Florida in school my fav thing was to buy a baby pool and a bottle of Raspberry Reunitie and to lay in that baby pool with a sprinkler going over me while I drank my cheap wine, getting my base tan before hitting Daytona. I am sure the contributed to both the current wrinkles and the  obvious drunken stupor I had to be in to marry my first husband.   None the less I remember laying in that little blue baby pool with my best bud laughing and saying this was the best.  No matter how crazy it looked.

As the heat approaches tries to kill us all unless we wear asbestos suits and we use oven mitts to steer our cars,  cool off by hopping in the oven with a pot roast,   I thought I would pay homage, to folks that  we spend a lot of time laughing at and making fun of,  but who are probably pretty damn genius.   Because   much like  my time in the baby pool with the sprinkler my best friend and our cheap wine,   they are throwing  caution to the wind, making the best of the situation,  and truly seizing the day.  So I have to salute them.    Even if I giggle while doing it.

Beating the heat redneck style.

redneck pools how to cool down

we need chicks, or sheep

fancy redneck truckbed pool

Bob's body language was tell Ted to back off, Ted wasn't getting it.

redneck pool in a rancharo at a campground

thank goodness this campground had a swimming pool

Jim did not observe the NO DIVING RULE, and ruined the fun for everyone when the pools were drained to transport him to the ER.


Never underestimate a drunk or hot rednecks resourcefulness

Training Camp for X Games AKA Redneck Kids

now admit it, this is smart HOT TUB

Now I will show you my redneck pool for this summer.

the Droid and the Prince it's on our Deck instead of on the ground. it's like 3 feet deep



We have a few acres and opted to put it that wee little inflatable pool on our wooden back deck so no one had to walk in the grass.   In fairness I should state, only the kids get in it,  that was the one time The Droid got in.

However I must admit.   At one point we had a smaller pool, and we hooked a hose to our hot water heater and and attempted turn it into a hot tub.  It ended up being filled with rusty crusty flakes of crap that came from the bottom of the hot water heater, it sucked.   We are horrible red necks.


So go enjoy your weekend.  Be creative,  turn on the sprinkler,  run through it with reckless abandon,  get in the kiddie pool.  Drink cheap wine and throw caution to the wind.  It really is all about the memories people.  Make it happen.





ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.