I stay away from Politics because they are boring.. but this week they got pretty funny. Because a high ranking Politician named something funny (Wiener) had something named similarly funny( pictures of his crotch) ” allegedly” tweeted to a 21 year old girl. Now he is saying he was hacked so whatever but the hilariousness is that he can’t confirm or deny if the picture of his crotch is HIS or if it has been “manipulated”. Which pretty much makes me fall down laughing because all little boys know their junk from like age 2. They can identify it in a police line up with the light outs, while wearing snow mittens and a blacked out scuba mask. Yet this Wiener is doing news interviews and saying he isn’t sure if that’s a picture of his ball park frank. Whatever home pickle. You are funny. Especially for a politician. So here go this weeks funny Friday. Also I am now apparently in 5th grade again right next to my humor, consider yourself warned.
- walk tall my friend.. walk tall.
Remember your sunscreen… Also don’t take pictures of your junk…