Fotobomb Friday via the Prince- Sam I am Grads again

It is here, we have won !  We are the champions my friends.

Oh my my oh heck yeah got to put on my party dress. It’s Friday night and the feelings right. Woot ! We survived this wretched week of ugly that Monday started slinging our way and now we can look back and scoff at it with a hefty, ” ha ha, you sniveling fool I have bested you!” Clank our glasses and toss back our liquid celebration.

As you know last week I had that little event thing with the heart thing whatever the Droid said I can’t pull that card anymore unless I do it again. Jerk. But he can have a freaking man cold for 6 weeks.  I mutter under my breath while seasoning the chicken with draino.

Alas,  I am THE Peachy 1.  In addition to being a  woman, this gives me the super powers to rock on and go forth. My oldest child and only daughter graduated from College with her BS ( ha I know right?  that is hilarious) on the Friday after my “event” .  It was a little over 2 hours from here so OF COURSE I drove everyone there because it rhymes with bedrest and you could not have kept me from it with a gun in my mouth.

As you can see the Prince, who is the Science fair winner, baseball player, the apple of his big sisters eye,  has surpassed all the Doctors expectations as a preemie and I think he is overcoming his shyness a little bit.  Let me know what you think.

Sam I Am gets her 3rd degree.  the Prince snags her diploma on Being Peachy with The Peachy1

Congrats. Let me see if this is real or what.

Samantha gets her Bachelors of Science Degree in Psychology from USM

Sam I am with the Grandparents. He jumped in at the last minute

A distinguished degree in abnormal Psychology, wait he jumped in again, she looks so happy.

Aww a Kodak Moment, wait. never mind

this is probably the only one he is NEARLY not in

is there a college credit for photobombing? He's good.

trying to get an actual picture of him.

the Prince photobombs the Droid. Nice ...

2 bestest things EVER. Paw Paw and Pringles !

OH the Pringles Duck bill. Yes you are a ninja...

Needless to say we are super proud of Sam-I-Am.  She put herself through college.  Working full-time paying her own bills and for school the entire time.  Achieving this degree and keeping her family number 1 in her heart.  She’s pretty freaking awesome, and a role model for her younger brothers who think she is like a double rainbow and they are well aware she can and will still beat them up.

Alex is probably going to Major in PolyMorphic Physics or Photobombing.  He isn’t sure yet.

Have a rocking weekend.  Toss one back for me.



ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.