The hours are ticking down to the big day when I will draw 3 lucky winners from the comments of the posts of this month. That will go down on Friday Morning April 23, 2011 and they will go up. Each will be the lucky recipient of a Peachy Prize Package of undisclosed jacked up hilarious pleasures. ( but they must check in by Monday evening with a standard mailing address or I will draw another name to replace them, sorry yo, but rules is rules and stuff.)
Now. It appears I have a few new friends. One thing is certainly important ( and my lawyer wont get off my but about it) you need to know I am a horrible friend. Honestly I am. I am such a bad friend that I have
It’s a bit lengthy so to save you and I any hardship or whatever it was made into a video and blah, yackity smackity whatever here it is. I fulfilled my end of the whatever so my lawyer can get off my back and now when I am a bad friend and mess up you can’t get all pissy and be like, oh Peachy did this, whatever, blah. Because I will be like DUH hello? You saw the friendship disclaimer, I am a bad friend HELLO! So watch it.