Categories: It's Juicy

The Animated Woman and ‘Why Is Daddy Crying’ are …Being Peachy.

The Animated Woman (AKA JC) andWhy Is Daddy Crying

Somebody had to mind the fruit-stand on account of The Peachy One being AWOL; and those two somebodies were me and the dude.

JC: Dude. You’ll never guess where Peach is.

: Ummm…did she pack her suitcase, throw some glitter on her face and take off to follow Justin Beaver around the world?

: Nope.

WhyIsDaddyCrying: Is she kneeling in a field holding a football waiting for me to run towards it and kick it, pulling it away at the very last second so that I land on my back dejected, confused, broken-hearted, and cold inside?

: Hah! No.

WhyIsDaddyCrying: Oh, oh I know!! She’s really a ghost and left us to go reenact Dirty Dancing with Patrick Swayze’s real ghost, not the one from the movie “Ghost.”

: Nu-uh.

WhyIsDaddyCrying: Stalking her ex from 20 years ago? You know, the one with the stuffed giraffe tongue lamp post and who named is “thingy” Ted Danson?

: Nah.

WhyIsDaddyCrying: Vegas?

: Newp.

WhyIsDaddyCrying: I GIVE UP!!!! Where’s Peach?!?

: Dunno. But she left a note.

Where is that Peach? It’s a MYSTERY! Show us how much you love Being Peachy by dressing up as her commenting your best guess of where Peach really is!

PS. JC is AKA @LittleAnimationand the dude is @WhyIsDaddyCryin

The Animated Woman: