I’m so AWOL

As most of your know I have had 4 of the most awesomest ever guest posters who filled in for me at a moments notice on Thursday night  I can  NOT thank them enough.  They all got a special bagdge and personal song.

I covered the Peachy1's ass like granny panties.

FlyDDW- who does not have a blog and it was his first go around on this blog on Friday.

Over at the Pits Michelle the RECK MONSTER) my Cobrs Sister announced my new super hero name “Boom Slang”  if you missed her post then you aren’t going to get the joke.

ON Monday  Oil Field Trash  from Make Daddy a sammich was over on the Peachy talked about how freaking edibale all peaches but me are.

Then here on Monday, the one, the only, the bitch I would enjoy getting arrested with the most, Anissa Mayhew shared the Mayhewban experience. ( I really love spooning with her).

But alas I had no clue that Surgery on Friday would bring me back on Tuesday,  you know yesterday as in the day before the  GIANORMOUS science fair for the Prince is due? Which would be TODAY!   For those of you keeping score.  2 oral surgeries and a sciennce far project.

Happy?  why yes, because it’s over.  the Prince put in a lot of work so check him out y’all.

Just youtube search   the Alex Eperiments and you will get his chanel.   Or you can simply watch his science fair dvd here.  The kid really loves to see his numbers go up.  If you comment or like the video chances are he will chest bump hard enough to knock me down.

Here’s a picture of him taking it to school this morning.

Here's alex's science fair project turned nin toay

You can do his anonymous survey here http://www.beingpeachy.com/alex/

or see his obvious need for a teleprompter here,  where separate from the project he issues a CLICK IT CHALLENGE to the world because his findings during the project made him sad.

either way the kids love views, likes and comments.  So do my little princely homepickle a solid and give him some love, like, views, or comments on youtube.

In the mean time  I will try to continue with the healing and hope you stick around and keep my out of the hospital.

Also not one person has offered to take or pick up my kid from school, make my husband and kid dinner or drive me to my surgeries.  I hate that society as a hole has changed so much. Because I remember welcoming new people into the neighborhood with baked goodies,   making surplus meals when the head female in charge was sick, or taking care of the kids for a sick friend.  I am all kind of sad trombone that my rotting corpse would only be located when people noticed that my husband and kid were wearing dirt loin cloths.



ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.