As I continue to recover I offer you a guest post from one of my dearest friends.
( The name Mayhewba is what the person below and my daughter now 21, but then 11, decided they would name the country they took over. They are both still sticking to their plans)
*You’ll have to excuse my brevity. I type with one hand and it’s the wrong one. I could write for days about Sandi, but this is all my hand will allow.*
When Sandi and I first became friends my son was barely out of diapers.
He thought she was Kirsten Dunst.
He was her favorite child.
Including the ones that lived with her.
Then Sandi and I experienced the joys of pregnancy together.
Not together together.
At the same time.
Get your brain out of the gutter, Lloyd. (her husband)
Then she abondoned me.
She left me and a pool for that bat-turd-sniffing-bastard husband of hers.
And a paycheck.
Love, too.
So, the next time I see Sandi I had to haul my whole (minus Peyton) family to see her in Van Cleve, MS.
We ate too much food.
We played too many card games.
We drank TOO much.
We said our goodbyes and headed home (WITH Peyton this time).
Our bodies had changed, but our our love for each other, and our ability to laugh hadn’t changed a bit.
She was being the same amazing friend she has always been to me and my family.
Some things never change.
*Be well, my heart! I’ll see you soon?*
Anissa Mayhew
Founder/Lead Editor