Looks like Peachy will be in the shop getting replacement parts (she’ll be stronger, faster, etc). AND since the Dalmation’s hand (paw?) at twitter writing was a howling failure (get it?), Peachy has chosen at random by spinning an empty Vodka bottle searched the world over for someone to temp gig here at the Fruit Stand!
I laughed my head off hysterically was honored that the bottle pointed at me, one of the two random peopleshe chose me to stand in and write a blog to help out. After all, when she had car problems, I was able to rescue her. Mind you, it was a cartoon car, so I was able to tow her with a clipart from the web.
SO… who is this FLYDDW guy anyway? Seen the Old Spice Guy? Well, I trained him! It was a toss up between him and I. We were neck and neck thoughout the competition for that ad, until final elimination:
question: What does AI stand for?
my answer, said smugly ’cause I’m smart: Artificial Intelligence.
his answer: American Idol.
And THAT sealed my fate. I’m not big on “broadcast tv” shows. I pay good money for my cable, so I want to watch stuff that I can’t watch for free! Like the History Channel, Food Network, and Nickelodeon (I know what were gonna do today! Hey! Where’s Perry?)
So, I kept my day job – taking care of two kids, driving the minivan all over Phoenix, washing dishes, and cleaning toilets (my toilets are so clean you can pee in them!)
(DAMMIT! Get to the point! Who the HELL are you?!)
I’m just a twitter friend who accidently wandered into the wrong hell holeloves the Peachy funky thinking, crazy humor (crazy with a capital K), and quick wit! (ok, I said them all, send the money by PayPal now and please release my pet goldfish unharmed). I live in AZ, but original from Houston – moved from the “But it’s a Wet Heat” to “But it’s a dry heat”. Since moving here, I take photos of our beautiful sunsets, and post them on Facebook and here: http://twitpic.com/photos/flyddw
And, mostly… I listen. I listen to everyone talk about everything. I’m the modern day Renaissance man! And, if I ain’t got an opinion on something, I can google it up to get one!
Peace out!
@flyddw (guest blogger)
Great guest post. I liked it.
How nice of you to guest post for Peach while she’s out for maintenance. But I thought AI stood for Animated Imbecile.
HA! Nice guest post. You might be hired as a regular. Hey, it could happen.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Derek W, The Animated Woman. The Animated Woman said: All the way from PHOENIX, AZ – It’s @FLYDDW! –> http://bit.ly/gBQP3T […]
Hey that quote was from Disney Channel, not Nickelodeon! Get your annoying kids’ channels straight, Buddy!
And, welcome to Peach’s hood! Nice of you to cover for her.
Thank you guys for the positive comments! Those are some mighty big shoes Peachy has! I had to use a lot of both duct AND duck tape, just to keep them on my feet. My toes touching the tips – forgettaboutit!
Blogging is not my natural mode of communication. I’m more of a smart alec twitter guy. These long forms of prose are tiring, and if I had to do it every day, I’d have to poke someone in the eye with a dull pencil.
@Chunky_mama – How could I confused Disney with Nick? Someone should poke MY eyes out with a dull pencil!
@crookedstamper – regular poster?! nothing at ALL against Peachy, but I rather poke my…. uh… apply to Dance with the Stars.
@animated – AI works in that case too, although I’m unsure where it would fall in the spectrum. But, because you have boobs, that trumps all anyway… (I only know because of your weblog…)
@peachy – I was honored to step in and help.