Fun with Facebook Friends- The evolution of awesome

Yep it’s that time of the week where I pull a random post straight off my facebook account and share it with you. Remember if your facebook doesn’t look like my facebook you need way cooler friends feel free to join us.

Remember the days of the posts I pulled each had over 100 comments. One was about me taking a shower, and one was about my cat suing me. Not that anyone could think it was ok to put aStarFleet Captain in a speedo but I did and it’s there so get therapy and move on. So here’s just a drop into my recent asshattery I hope that you will join us on FaceBook.

The other day I posted this picture of my weekend plans then for the fun of annoying people to death I tagged them in it even though they weren’t in the picture to make it  just such a  total riot. ( I hope you sense my sarcasm)

Here’s the picture

Evolution of awesome.  Mardi Gras Cheeseckae and Vodka

Well hello there and welcome to my Friday night. I present to you, the evolution of awesome.

and then my facebook started off on point and then as usual it went a little “off topic”.

( which is probably the vodkas fault, or the fact I have the maturity level of a 8 year old)

evolution of awesome white chocolate mardi gras cheesecake and a shot of chilled vodka

Did you notice how I turned into an 8 year old?

Friends don’t let friends drink and type.



*Unfortunately I had to actually edit this thread due to a very active commenting friend who deleted their account, turns out parts of the thread made NO sense because when she delete her account it removed her comments.  I wish I would have figured that out before I spent 5 hours doing graphics and trying to figure out why thing seemed out of order or missing.  But I didn’t so I am really tired now and have eye strain, possibly carpal tunnel and it’s pretty much her fault even though I love her dearly she just stole 5 hours of my life…  I would like that back by way of you giving me 5 hours of cleaning.  Bawahahha.

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.