Funny stuff Friday- I break my vows



When I started blogging I laid some ground rules.  I wouldn’t blog on weekends,  I wouldn’t push merchandise for free ( even crack whores get paid y’all) and everyone was fair game as blog fodder if they put it on the internet.

I like to spend 99.9% of the time on this blog dedicated to showcasing my amazing capabilities to exceed any standards set by other at being an epic asshat.   Then I had these awesome tie in stories of how my husband although very intelligent ( see ubber geek overlord)  had done some pretty magnificently stupid funny stuff.

Then he explained that since he is the Sys Admin my blog could disappear like Jimmy freaking Hoffa, if I posted some of the stories I had stupidly pitched to him.  Thus curbing my artistic flow.


But over the months and hundreds of posts he stopped reading my blogs, because Mafia Wars is super duper demanding of his time.   I see this as my opportunity to go ahead and make you laugh (at us) this weekend.

At a certain point in a mature married mans life, the realization of mortality smacks them in the nuts and they lose their minds.  Some guys buy convertibles or motorcycles,  some guys have affairs with their secretaries or any other young and willing piece of tail that stumbles by looking for a sugar daddy.  Some guys, well they do what my husband is doing.

( he’s not getting a convertible because we have 1 kid in college and 1 kid in 4th grade, he would have to chainsaw the roof off his old crusty Nissan to even come close to a convertible.)

( I ruined the affair idea by putting in a rule saying he could have an affair but the chick better clean this house freaking spotless before each date and cook the family dinner twice a week. Which if you think about means, I am telling him to be a man-whore so I can have a maid.  It took the appeal out of the affair idea)

Following in the footsteps of the ( anti-christ) famous Justank Beiber my husband is facing his midlife issues by you tubing himself playing drums.   So  hey Usher I sure hope your listening because I need a maid, and probably a convertible.

I present to you-  a video- my man- made of himself- playing drums-  to POKEMON.

Yep, that’s my man y’all.

Don’t hate me because my man is so mad hot banging on the drums to pokemon. I am just glad he’s not wearing his ” I love cats” shirt and sandals in this one.  Did anyone else notice the camera angle?   WTF Droid,  it’s like you put the square on your crotch?  Make up your mind are you going to be like Beiber or Cyrus.   Also I should probably buy you a purple hoodie today.

rock star groupies blow jobs

Hurry up this house isn't going to clean itself.

Have a great weekend guys, remember it’s not a job it’s a journey enjoy the ride and Be Peachy!



Yesterday I was honored to receive the “Stylish Blogger Award”  from my Cobra Sister over at ReckMonster it was awarded to my other Blog ” ThePits”  but as you know all my awards are stashed in 1 place right up there at the top.  Thanks girl,  I can’t wait to tear up NOLA with ya.

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.